
Friday, January 29, 2010

Review: The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne

The Spymaster's Lady (The Spymaster Series)From the Back Cover:

She's never met a man she couldn't deceive...until now.

She's braved battlefields. She's stolen dispatches from under the noses of heads of state. She's played the worldly courtesan, the naive virgin, the refined British lady, even a Gypsy boy. But Annique Villiers, the elusive spy known as the Fox Cub, has finally met the one man she can't outwit...

British spymaster Robert Grey must enter France and bring back the brilliant, beautiful - and dangerous - Fox Cub. His duty is to capture her and her secrets for England. When the two natural enemies are thrown into prison, they forge an uneasy alliance to break free. But their pact is temporary and betrayal seems inevitable. They flee, pursued every step of the way by ruthless authorities, caught in a net of secrets and lies. As the fates of nations hang in the balance, Grey and Annique fight the passion that flares between them - forbidden, impossible, and completely irresistable...

This is the debut novel for Joanna Bourne, who has since penned a second book in the series. I was drawn to this book because Diana Gabaldon, one of my favorite authors, wrote the cover blurb, and she doesn't do many of those. When it came in the mail I picked it up intending to read the first page and then set it aside for later, but I found that hard to do! This is a very well-written, better-than-average historical romance with original characters and an engrossing, exciting story with a few unexpected twists.

Annique is a fascinating heroine, a nineteen-year-old girl who has been employed as a French spy since she was a child. She is cunning and clever, strong and resilient, yet for all her ability to integrate and survive in virtually any situation, she is endearingly sweet and innocent. Grey is not as well developed as Annique, as this story tends to focus much more on the heroine, but he is of course, as strong and smart and brave as she is.

This book seethes with sexual tension as Annique and Grey play a sensual cat and mouse game across France and into England, joined along the way by two of Grey's fellow spies and pursued by Annique's enemies. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it kept me guessing right up to the last page.

Rating:  4 out of 5 Stars
Mood:  Sexy

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