
Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Firsts: Pope Joan

The first line can make or break a reader's interest.
How well did the author pull you into the story
with their first sentence?

Pope Joan: A Novel
It was the twenty-eighth day of Wintarmanoth in the year of our Lord 814, the harshest winter in living memory.

Brief and doesn't give much hint of what's to come, but it gives the state of things. I have been looking forward to reading this book and was thrilled to get it on Goodreads Swap for $3.58! After reading the first line I went ahead and finished the prologue. The POV character is a village midwife who battles through a blizzard to reach the home of the local canon, whose wife is in labor. The prologue was well written and at the end little Joan was born to a mother who might not survive and a devout father who blames women for sin and was disgusted to witness the birth of a daughter.

Should make for an interesting childhood for poor Joan.

Friday Firsts is hosted by Well-Read Reviews.
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1 comment:

  1. I want to read this one too - it's waiting patiently in the pile. I agree the opening sentence does not grab you and pull you in! Hope you enjoy the book.


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