
Thursday, February 11, 2010

News: Goodreads Blocked in Iran

Goodreads reported today on their blog that the Iranian government has blocked access to the website, which has more than 114,000 members in Iran.

Click here to read the full blog post from Goodreads.

Goodreads is one of my favorite websites and my life has truly been enriched by connecting with other book lovers through this site and others. I've tried new genres, discovered timeless classics and new releases, and had some great read-along and literary discussions. I can't imagine the government telling me I'm not allowed to do that anymore. How sad that an entire country can be denied the right to discuss and learn about books; to expand their horizons, to dream of different worlds, to increase their knowledge and awareness. Things like this remind me how fortunate I am to be an American, and that there are too many freedoms I take for granted.

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