
Monday, March 8, 2010

Mailbox Monday: March 8

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Checked out library books don’t count, but eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

The Scarlet Lion     Shadow of the King: Book Three of the Pendragon's Banner Trilogy

This week I got two new U.S. releases that I have been anxiously awaiting, having loved the first books in the series. (I pre-ordered these on Amazon.) I want to dive right into them but I've got to be fair to a few other books that have been waiting much longer in my TBR stack! Soon, though, very soon!

Mailbox Monday is hosted by The Printed Page.


  1. Two magically delicious books you got there! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

    My mailbox is here.

  2. It's so hard not to read new books when they come in. You have great willpower! Enjoy both of your new books!

  3. I also received two books last week. You can see them here.

  4. Hmm, I seem to be missing something because I can't see your books!

  5. It's hard to hold back when you have been eagerly awaiting them! Enjoy when you do get to indulge. Have a great week and happy reading. Here's my mailbox

  6. I have The Scarlet Lion in my immediate TBR pile. Enjoy!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today. :)

  7. What a great place you've got here!! I love the title of your blog. Very clever (and in case you couldn't tell - I'm really into clever blog titles!). I'm reading The Scarlet Lion now and am whizzing right through it.

    Here's my mailbox. :)

  8. I have this series on my TBR list...I hope you enjoy it!!

  9. Sounds like you had a very happy mailbox--I love pre-ordering books. Happy Reading--

  10. Thanks for stopping by today. Your blog looks terrific; enjoy your new books.

  11. Shadow of the King looks so interesting! Enjoy the books!


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