
Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly BOOK PARTY, hosted by Crazy-For-Books, where book bloggers and readers can connect to find new blogs to read, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It also gives blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!

I took a break from the hop last week, but I still managed to discover a few new blogs over the last two weeks and here they are:

Bookworm with a View

Head on over to Crazy-For-Books to sign up and discover some new blogging friends!


  1. Hello, found you via the Hop and I love your blog design! The name is also brilliant although it does make me rather fancy some cake :S And on that rather bizarre note I shall depart.

  2. I'm already a follower. Just hopping by to wish you a happy weekend!

  3. Hi, I'm Amelia-a new follower just hopping by to say hello :D

  4. Hoppin on by to say hi! Hope your having a great Friday.

    Have a great weekend ---
    Hope you'll check out my giveaways :)

  5. Happy hop! I'm a new follower.

  6. Just hopping by!!! I love your blog!!! I am now a follower!! I am looking forward to reading future posts from you!!! Happy Reading

    Feel Free to check my blog out at Addicted To Romance

  7. Hi. Just stopping over from the Hop.

  8. Following now!! I'm so excited to see SOOO many book blogs.
    I have found my place!
    new to blogging, check me out!

  9. I am stopping by via the hop (days late I know!) and your blog caught my eye. I am also a history student :) Nice to meet you.

    And the plot thickens...


I love comments! Getting feedback on my posts makes my day! Thanks for being here!