
Monday, May 17, 2010

Mailbox Monday: May 17

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Checked out library books don’t count, but eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Here's what I got this week, three books that have been high up on my wishlist!
From publishers for review:

Daughters of the Witching Hill    Captivity

And a backorder that finally arrived from Borders:

The Fairest Portion of the Globe

And while technically this hasn't actually arrived in my mailbox yet, I pre-ordered something that's a big step for me and I'm pretty excited about it:

This is Borders' new ereader, the kobo. I got an email about it on Friday and the price was too good to resist: $149! I said it would be a while before I jumped on the Kindle bandwagon, but at this price point I decided this was the right time to test one out. I can't imagine ever giving up printed books. I love the touch and the scent of them too much. But I've discovered NetGalley and I'd like to be able to read all of those digital format pre-releases and I have to admit the idea of carrying a thousand books in my purse has huge appeal! And I figured, if I don't like it I can always send it back, right?

Mailbox Monday is hosted by The Printed Page.


  1. Captivity looks so good and congrats on the Kobo! I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on how it works. Thanks for visiting The Crowded Leaf.

  2. I hope you'll review your Kobo. I have a Kindle but think a Kobo might be a good second reader to have on hand - especially at that price!

  3. I can't wait to see what you think of the kobo! Enjoy your new books!

  4. Congrautlations on the new purchase. I would agree that it would be nice to carry that many books around with you!! Happy Reading

  5. I never saw the appeal of ereaders - like you, I enjoy physical books - but when I was on vacation for three weeks over the holidays and my bag was stuffed with books while my friend only had her Kindle I totally saw their value!

    I look forward to hearing what you think of the kobo!

  6. I'm still not able to jump on the ereader bandwagon, the closest I have come is thinking aobut the ipad. One of these days I may be able to but I'm not there yet. Enjoy your new books.

  7. I LOVED Daughters of the Witching Hill and I hope you do too!

    Congrats on the Kobo!

    Happy Reading!

  8. All 3 books look good. I will be interested to see what you think of the Kobo. I too said I would never go ereader but lately I find myself tempted by them. Be sure to let us know how you like yours!

  9. Enjoy the Kobo when it comes!

  10. Thanks for visiting today! I'm planning to get the ipad.

  11. Oooh I like the cover for Captivity. Let us know how the kobo works out! I don't have an eReader but I want one....the idea of tons of books in one appeals to me too! Great for traveling!

  12. I hadn't even heard of the kobo before stopping here. I hope you enjoy it. I think you will.

    Your blog header is great--very funny! :D

  13. I can't wait to see what you think of Daughters of the Witching Hill! Enjoy your books!

  14. Congratulations on the Kobo. It looks so cool and enjoy your books. Captivity sounds really interesting.

    Happy Reading!!!!!

  15. Ooooh can't wait to see how you like your kobo!

  16. The kobo looks great. I want one too.

  17. Congrats on the Kobo. Please post a review after you have used it a bit!

  18. Happy reading (and ereading)!

  19. Oh I want to read The Daughters of the Witching Hill. Happy reading!

  20. Nice books! I have them all on my WL. I am resisting getting an e-reader right now, although I'm sure I'll break down and get one eventually. Happy reading!

  21. The price point of that reader is pretty darn awesome...I can understand why you couldn't resist. Please keep us posted on your experience with it!


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