
Monday, June 28, 2010

Fandemonium: Jeff Shaara

I confess I haven't actually read one of Jeff Shaara's books yet, but that shall change shortly! I'd figured his books were too war-and-battle-oriented for me, and they may be, but I've committed to at least reading the book I bought and had him autograph for me, Rise to Rebellion, about my favorite period in history, the American Revolution. Regular readers of my blog will know that my husband is a Civil War buff and reenactor, and Gettysburg and Gods and Generals are two of his favorite movies, so even though Erin's not much of a reader, he came along with me when Jeff Shaara made an appearance at our local Borders.

Jeff was a fantastic speaker! He talked a little about his father, Michael Shaara, who wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning The Killer Angels. He talked about what he's working on now and a trilogy coming up in honor of the Civil War sesquecentennial. He's a busy guy and he has tremendous passion for history and finding interesting stories and different angles.

Fredericksburg played a significant role throughout the Civil War, playing host to Grant and Lee, Longstreet and Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Clara Barton, Walt Whitman and Matthew Brady. Fredericksburg does a great job of keeping history alive and just about everyone who lives here has an interest in history, and so there was a pretty good turnout for the event. Plus Jeff's huge, but I still hadn't anticipated having to stand for two and a half hours in my 3-inch heels. (Went straight from work and didn't think to bring more comfortable shoes!) We got there 45 minutes early and still had to stand. There were a lot of veterans and active duty military there and we got to hear from some of them during the Q&A session. If you ever have a chance to meet him, go! You won't be disappointed!

A few titles from Jeff Shaara:

Rise to Rebellion: A Novel of the American Revolution  The Glorious Cause   
Gods and GeneralsThe Last Full MeasureTo the Last Man: A Novel of the First World War
The Rising Tide: A Novel of World War II  The Steel Wave: A Novel of World War II  No Less Than Victory: A Novel of World War II


  1. I read the Civil War trilogy, it was very good but not something I'd read again (much too bloody). That said, it was quite an eye opener to how really horrific that war was.

  2. The author event looks like fun - meeting the author just adds so much to the enjoyment of the book.

    I see a lot of things I like on your blog - a Hokie flag - my son finishes at Tech this week! - and a Charleston t-shirt. Do you live in South Carolina?

  3. I sure would love to visit him! It looks like you had a fun time! I have to look up his books.


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