
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Dark Lover

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two "teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week my teaser comes from Dark Lover,  J.R. Ward's first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. This is from page 125:

       Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1)God, she needed to take another shot at the last couple of days. If she could only go back forty-eight hours, back to when she was sitting at her desk with Dick doing his leering-boss routine.
     She'd do two things differently. She'd order a cab instead of walking home, so she never met up with Billy Riddle. And the instant she went into her apartment, she'd pack some clothes and go to a motel. So when this leather-clad, drug-lord lothario came looking for her she wouldn't have been found.


  1. What a wonderful Teaser! I do not know JR Ward or Black Dagger Brotherhood series (what a gorgeous name for a series too) but this snippet well and truly can be called a teaser. It makes me want to read it.

    Thank you for visiting my teaser ( from Henry James, The Turn of the Screw). This whole Teaser business is so fun don't you think? Because it really highlights the variety of what everyone is reading.

  2. You can feel the tension building in that teaser.

    My teaser is here.

  3. Sounds like she's gotten herself into a bit of a situation!

    Our teaser is at BookSake.

  4. The title itself is a teaser! :)

  5. Sounds like a good plan! Nice tease. My Tuesday Teaser has a Book Giveaway: Teaser and Book Give-Away

  6. Oh this is a great teaser! Tense and I'd love to know what happened after...

  7. Oh dear - she's not having a good day! Wouldn't it be nice though, to be able to start some days over?

    HERE is my teaser for this week.

  8. ???? Why was she hiding? good teaser.

  9. Great teaser. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. Wow this is a really intriguing teaser. Obviously she didn't do this and I am wondering what comes next

  11. Ahhh, don't we all wish we could turn back time?

    I want the power to manipulate time lol.

    Here is my Teaser Tuesday!

  12. Great teaser! And to think that those are just little things, not big things!

    My teaser is here.

  13. Thanks for your comment!!! I really have loved this series!!! I haven't read Dark Lover yet, but I really want to!!!

  14. This is one of my fave books in the series! Hope you're enjoying it :)

    Here is mine for this week :)


  15. Long teaser!

  16. Great teaser, it would be nice if we could have some do-overs.

  17. This series is great! Hope you are enjoying it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  18. Very cool teaser. Sounds like she had a rough couple of days.
    Thanks for dropping by on my blog btw :-)

  19. These early books in the BDB sereis are so addictive! Enjoy!

    My teaser is here

  20. Hmm, Dark Lover is not fav in the series.

    Mine's here.

  21. Dark Lover sounds like a book I would like -I've never heard of the series or the author before (no surprise there!), so thanks for sharing.

    Also - a BIG thank you for visiting the heart of the outback book blogging world: Desert Book Chick.

    Here's my my Teaser: Hey Aimee,

    Thanks for dropping by Desert Book Chick as part of Teaser Tuesday.

    Here's my teaser from action-packed author, Matthew Reilly:

  22. Interesting teaser! Glad you´re enjoying the book :) And thanks for visiting my teaser.


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