
Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly BOOK PARTY, hosted by Crazy-For-Books, where book bloggers and readers can connect to find new blogs to read, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It also gives blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!

I did some hoppin' last week and these are the blogs I discovered:

Our Year In Books

This week there's a twist at the Hop, everyone who participates is asked to answer this question:

I'm Jenny Q and I started blogging two days after Christmas last year. I'd just finished a great book and I was itching to share my thoughts on it. I have two fabulous girlfriends that also love to read and we discuss books often, though we have different tastes and often have differing opinions when we read the same book. But we do agree on two of the most important things in literary life:  Jamie Fraser and Rhett Butler.

So, I wanted to find a few more friends with whom I could discuss the types of books I like to read. I'd discovered a few book blogs I liked to read and checked in daily on a couple of author blogs and I really liked what other people were doing with their blogs. So after a few days of research and contemplation, I started my own blog and in addition to the groups I already belonged to on Goodreads, I started one more, The American Historical Fiction Group.

I'm having a lot of fun with it and I am just amazed that there are people out there who actually want to hear what I have to say. Having a blog has been a real confidence booster and before I started blogging I had no idea how many free books I could score for review!! I've also met bloggers with reading interests that mirror mine and who I can count on for honest, thoughtful reviews. I'd have to say creating my own blog is one of the best things I've ever done.

So what's your story? Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

And don't forget to enter my current giveaway for Captivity by Deborah Noyes!

Head on over to Crazy-For-Books to sign up and discover some new blogging friends!


  1. Hi, hopping by :)

    Loving your title for the blog!

  2. Hopping on over. Daughters of Witching Hill - good review. Ikupilli has some great Marie Antoinette art online - for your blog name. Although I like your bg alot. I am now following you too.

    I am at Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust

  3. Hooping by to say hi! I love historical fiction but ya/teen ones as the adult ones are innapropriate for my age!!!!

    Have a great weekend :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! It looks like we began bloggin at about the same time. I'm glad you're having as much fun as I am!

  5. I found you from the blog hop, I was drawn in by your blog's title. I'm now a follower and am interested in seeing more of your reviews.

  6. I found your blog on the hop. I love historical fiction. I look forward to reading your post. I am your newest follower.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Stopping by from the hop. I'm a new follower. Have a great weekend!


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