
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Lover Mine

This week my teaser comes from J.R. Ward's Dark Lover, the latest installment in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, which I'm pretty sure I've said before but I'll say it again: I'm addicted to. This one stars the Brother we've watched grow up, and John Matthew's the sweetest little thing ever to wear black leathers and deadly weapons. From page 88:

Mr. D and the two others got out of the Lexus...and brought the human forward. It hadn't dawned on the little bastard yet that he was a pair of jeans and a T-shirt away from being a sacrificial lamb. But the instant he got a look-see at the Omega, shit was going to become clear as a bell.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two "teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!


  1. Oh, I like the descriptions in this one!

    Here's mine:

  2. I really need to get back into this series!

    My teaser is here

  3. Great teaser! I really like this series but don't think I have read this one yet. My teaser is from Brothers in Arms by Lois McMaster Bujold. Happy reading!

  4. HOT cover! Whoa baby! I can see why you're addicted :)

    HERE is my Teaser Tuesday, from The Miracles of Prato by Laurie Albanese and Laura Morowitz.

  5. I loved that book!! Great teaser!

  6. I have this one to read also!

  7. This series is very addictive! Nice teaser mine is here:

  8. Not only have not read any do not own any of the books, ducking my head in shame! I love this teaser, it puts you right there in the moment with the guys! {the books are on a wish list though}

    Thanks for stopping by mine at Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories earlier also!

    jackie ^_^

  9. This series has never called to me, but that is an interesting teaser.

    Mine: The House on Mango Street

  10. Great teaser! I have this book, but haven't read it yet. Here's my teaser.

  11. Now, I just love the BDB!!! Vishous being my fave. I haven't red this one yet, I want it on my kindle but can't deal with the fact that the digital version is the same price as the hardcover. Makes no sense.

    Ahhh, sassenach, an Outlander fan? Just love them!

    Tomes Devotee

  12. Someday I have to catch up on this series! Great teaser! :)

  13. This is great! I had to chuckle because "little bastard" was an expression someone dear to me used to use.


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