
Monday, September 27, 2010

Mailbox Monday: September 27

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Checked out library books don’t count, but eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia at The Printed Page,
is on a blog tour! This month's host is Bermudaonion.

It's here, it's here, and it's so cool!!

The Exile: An Outlander Graphic Novel

And I downloaded these on my Nook. The first two were free!

Enchanting the Lady (Relics of Merlin) The Witch Queen's Secret Nevermore

What did you get? Please leave a link so I can check out your Mailbox!


  1. My order for The Exile shows as Dispatched so hopefully I will get my copy soon too!

    And I really must remember to go and download the Anna Elliott stories as well.

  2. Can't wait to hear what you think about The Exile! I saw some tantalizing previews and it looks wonderful!

  3. I'm looking forward to The Exile! Have a great week :)

  4. Ooh The Witch Queen's Secret looks intriguing. Hope you like it! Thanks for visiting The Crowded Leaf.

  5. I hope you enjoy your books. Happy reading

  6. I haven't heard of any of these, but they look delightful...enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Looks like you got some interesting books! Enjoy!

  8. Looking forward to seeing what you think of Exile. Everyone loves Gabaldon! I have to get around to reading one of her books. Enjoy!

  9. Ooh, I'm jealous of The Exile! Can't wait to hear what you think about it. Enjoy!

  10. I got Nevermore recently too, I can't wait to read it! I'm a bit envious of your copy of The Exile, I have to admit. HAppy reading!

  11. One of these days I am going to read Outlander... but the books are so long I never manage to find time to commit to them. The last huge book I tackled was The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. But it took up all my reading time for 2 weeks.

  12. Wow! What a mailbox! There's even an Outlander graphic novel! Enjoy all of your books!

    Please take a peek at my mailbox if you have a free moment. Thanks so much. :)

  13. I've only read the first Diana Gabaldon in that series -- I need to pick up the rest! Here's my loot: Coffee and a Book Chick

  14. I've got to get my copy of that one!! I love free books. Enjoy!!

  15. You have Exile! WOW! Gabaldon is always a hit and her style impeccable... I still have The Outlander on my desk for those days I want to sigh...

    Amazing set of books and happy reading girl.

  16. Oh wow, the Outlander graphic novel looks cool! I need to remember to download Enchanting the Lady to my Nook, it looks good!

  17. I bet people are excited about The Exile! Enjoy!


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