
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Stolen

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two "teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

This week my teaser comes from Stolen by Lucy Christopher. I just started this and I'm listening to the audiobook version so I don't know the exact page number, but this teaser comes from about 20 minutes in, and I actually kept it to two lines this time!

StolenBefore you I used to love chocolate. Now even the smell of it makes me sick.


  1. My first question is 'why?' Cool teaser! Mine is from Cold Magic by Kate Elliott. Happy reading!

  2. This is an intense read. One of those life-changing ones. One of those uncomfortable ones, but you HAVE to read it. I read it back in July, I think, and it's just, wow.

  3. Love that teaser! I choose The Phantom Diaries.

  4. This one sounds quite unique...and the cover is great!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I'm the same way with certain smells and stuff. I feel bad though I couldn't live with hating choclate.

  6. Intriguing teaser! Makes me want to learn more about why she hates chocolate now. My teaser is from Personal Demons.

  7. Good grief! What could possibly make her hate chocolate. I'd kick whatever it is to the curb !
    Great teaser :)

    Here's my Tuesday Teaser

  8. I wonder what would turn one off chocolate? My TT:

  9. Chocolate sickening? Never!

  10. Not even be able to smell it? Oh,now, that's just sad. Excellent teaser.

  11. I don't know what I'd do if something made me not like chocolate anymore (as I sit here eating a piece!) - great teaser!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. LOL. I don't like the smell of chocolate myself--I can understand that character's repulsion! But I do wonder why this person doesn't like it anymore.

    My two sentences are from Morpheus Road: The Light by D.J. MacHale.

  13. I'm not familiar with this one so thank you for the teaser! Love the simplicity of the cover:) I personally adore chocolate and can't imagine it making me sick, I need it too much!

  14. Interesting - I wonder what happened to make them not like chocolate?

    If you are on Twitter, you can look up the hastag #speakloudly and there are tons of articles about the possible banning of Speak. Here is one:

  15. I hope that you enjoy your book. Check out my Tuesday Teaser.

  16. Congrats on keeping it down to two lines! I have major trouble listening to books, it tends to put me to sleep :)
    e-Volving Books

  17. I don't know what this book is about, but it sounds like she's pregnant. I could be so wrong and seriousley I think I am..but it just sounds like that. ;)

  18. Sounds like somebody is trying to tell somebody something - and not something nice. Great teaser!
    Here's mine from The Dark Half.

  19. I think we've all been there. Great teaser, and thank you for stopping by mine! I'm not too far into "The Sex Lives of Cannibals" yet, but I was getting the feeling that this was where a lot of the Pacific Theater of WWII was held... if not there, then nearby.

  20. How could chocolate ever be sickening?

    Here is my Teaser!

  21. Oh no! Not chocolate! I couldn't hate that!

    I have this book on my WL!

  22. I can't imagine ever getting to the point of feeling that way about chocoate!

    My teaser was from Mockingjay.

  23. No chocolate, sigh! I'm not sure about that.

  24. OK, I'm going to tell you all why she can't stomach chocolate anymore, because I too could not imagine my life without it! And it's not really a spoiler because if you read the book cover you know that this is a story about a girl who's been kidnapped. The chocolate comes into play around page 20.

    Her abductor laces chocolate truffles with a sedative and every time she starts to come to her senses he pops another drug-laced truffle in her mouth.


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