
Monday, October 18, 2010

Mailbox Monday: October 18

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Checked out library books don’t count, but eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia at The Printed Page,
is on a blog tour! This month's host is She Reads and Reads.

Picked up two books this week: J.R. Ward's newest paperback and a hardcover bargain book that had been on my wishlist.

Crave (Fallen Angels, Book 2)   Prophecy of the Sisters

What did you get this week?
Please leave a comment with a link to your Mailbox!


  1. ohhhh what a nice selection of books!

    Enjoy and Crave looks super enticing.
    Here's my mailbox on Aisle B

  2. The Prophecy Sisters looks really good to me.

  3. The Prophecy Sisters looks interesting...and it was a bargain too!

  4. Prophecy of the Sisters does look really good. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know when you post a review. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

  5. That Crave cover is definitely sexy, but The Prophecy Sisters looks awesome! I'll be looking for your review! Enjoy the reads!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  6. I still want to read Prophesy Of The Sisters! Looks good!

  7. Looks like some great books. Love J.R. Ward!

  8. I dont get books but pick up whatever I can from the library here in Melbourne. I have picked up a Sophie Hannah book which I am reading now and the Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake which I am curious about.

  9. Stopping back for a visit...

    Looking forward to reviews from your Mailbox Monday books.

    Stopping by from shereadsandreads.

    Stop by to see my mailbox if you like:


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