
Monday, November 1, 2010

Mailbox Monday: November 1

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Checked out library books don’t count, but eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia at The Printed Page,
is on a blog tour! This month's host is Knitting and Sundries.

Who loves free ebooks? I do!

Homeland: The Dark Elf Trilogy, Part 1 (Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt, Book I) (Bk. 1)The Ice Princess 

This one came for review from author Mitchell James Kaplan via Other Press. I've been jealously watching my blogging buddies posting their reviews, so I'm looking forward to this one!

By Fire, By Water

And I treated myself to these two. The first was a grocery store impulse and the second is one I'd had on my wishlist for a while and I used a B&N coupon to get it.

The Reckless Bride (The Black Cobra Quartet)  The Phantom Diaries

Did you get any good books this week?
Please leave a comment with a link to your Mailbox!


  1. Apart from the actual story, I love the cover of By Fire By Water. On my TBR list.

  2. By Fire, By Water sounds amazing. I have already seen it on several blogs. Hope you enjoy it.

  3. These all sound like great reads! Enjoy them all!

  4. I need to look up By Fire, By Water... I would buy this by cover alone. I bet I will add this to my list!

    Have a great week.

  5. So happy you got By Fire, By was a great book!!

  6. You'll love By Fire, By Water .. one of my few five-star books this year! Great books! Enjoy them all!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  7. I have to say By Fire, By Water is the one that attracts me this most too - enjoy!

  8. I received By Fire, By Water, too. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Enjoy your new books.


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