
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Firelight

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two "teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

This week my teaser comes from Firelight, a new young adult novel about a shape-shifting teenage dragon, who, sick from being separated from her draki pride, falls in love with a boy who hunts her kind. Pretty good so far! From page 92:

FirelightYes, being around him feeds my draki, and it's all about that right now. About me doing whatever I can to keep that part of myself alive. But he's everything I should avoid. For a draki, he's death. Ironic, huh? To keep that part of me alive, I have to be close to that which kills it.

Got a teaser? Please leave a comment with a link so I can visit!
And be sure to stop by everyday between December 1-12
to enter to win great books and an e-reader!


  1. Intriguing. I have my tuesday teaser also up. Please visit.

  2. Yeah, this was a pretty interesting and original take on the whole dragon thing!

  3. Sounds like an interseting book. I'll have to look this one up!

  4. What a great teaser! I think I am going to have to add this to my pile!

  5. oh...what a predicament^^
    great teaser.
    thx for sharing.

    here's mine:


  6. Fascinating...I've always loved that cover, too.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. A little award for you on my blog,...!

  8. interesting situation. Thanks so much for stopping by today. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  9. I can't wait to read this one! It's on my list but I somehow keep getting side tracked with other books!

    My teaser is from Torment

  10. So a draki is part of a dragon? Intriguing teaser.

  11. An intriguing teaser. Sounds like a good read!

  12. Great teaser! That is pretty ironic =) I love the way Sophie set this up!

  13. Am keen to learn more about draki.

  14. Very interesting! Another book to check out. Thanks for visiting me today!

  15. That sounds like great conflict for a story. Good teaser.

  16. Sounds like the stage is set for a little inner conflict!

  17. Here is my teaser from The Wolves of Andover by Kathleen Kent (Page 8):

    Martha saw it all clear in that moment: this was the instant her place in the family would be decided. If she lost her footing at the outset, she would forever be dealt with as no more than a servant.

  18. Wonderful teaser, I'm pining for Firelight. I hope you enjoy it :)

  19. Great teaser! I have been dying to read this book; I've heard some good things about it. I hope you are enjoying it and thanks for visiting my teaser!

  20. Ahhh I can't wait to read Firelight.I really this teaser. Thanks for sharing:)

  21. Draki is going to be the death of her.

    PS good eye on catching the Pantheon in the pic, we went there during last year's summer holiday... I love Venice more though. I would move there despite the fact it's sinking into the waters more and more each year.... Such a romantic place.

  22. Wonderful teaser! Another one to add to my TBR list - hey Christmas is coming right :)

    My teaser is from NIghtshade and can be see on Pineapples & Pyjamas

  23. Interesting dilemma there!

    Thanks for stopping by SunnyReads!!

  24. Interesting cover–and concept. I hope it's good!

  25. Great teaser! I really enjoyed this one.

  26. Very popular, this book right now!
    Good to get this peak inside :)
    Thanks for visiting E-Volving Books.

  27. I love the cover! The teaser is very interesting. Happy reading!

  28. Great teaser! Keep debating if I want to read this one or not. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. I'd love to see your review on this one! Thanks so much for sharing your teaser! My teaser:

  30. Lovely teaser! I may have to read this book :)

  31. Great teaser! I keep looking at Firelight and thinking I need to make the time to read it.

    -Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal

  32. Oh wow. I love that teaser. Another book to add to my radar :)

    Thanks for visiting my teaser!

    Miranda ~ Sweet Vernal Zephyr Reviews


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