
Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 Historical Fiction Reading Challenges

It's time to start thinking about 2011 Challenges!
Here are two new ones that I've signed up for:

YA Historical Fiction Challenge hosted by Sabrina at YA Bliss,
who says:
"I'm hosting this challenge hoping readers will embrace this awesome genre within YA that is full of outstanding books and many upcoming releases. I will have exclusive giveaways for participants during the year. Lets see how it goes and I will post again with updates.
Share the word!"

I'm signing up at Level One to read five books. I like books that make me smarter for having read them. So much YA out right now, while entertaining, is not enriching. I wish more of it were, and I'm happy to support this challenge and discover some new books!
Want to play? Sign up at YA Bliss!

Historical Tour de Genre Challenge hosted by Charlie at BitsyBlingBooks, who says:
"Welcome to the Historical Tour de Genre Challenge. This is my favorite genre to both read and write. I am a history buff and avid researcher. Although I've signed up for several other reading challenges hosted by great book blogging friends, I decided to start one of my own. I hope you find it interesting and decide to join in. Sometimes the title 'historical' sounds stuffy, or boring and stiff, but it doesn't have to be. Actually, the genre is widening and many sub-genres have developed. To celebrate the diversity I designed a challenge that explores various subs of my favorite reading category. I will also be hosting Tour de Genre Giveaways throughout the year."

Sub-categories:  Mystery, Horror, Thriller, Young Adult, Plantation, Western, Fantasy, Paranormal, Gay/Lesbian, and Romance

You have to read six books from different categories to complete the challenge. I like this idea of taking a "tour" through the genre, and I'm looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone to try a couple of books I wouldn't normally read. Charlie's even created a Goodreads group for participants of this challenge and I think that's a great idea! Head over to Charlie's place to sign up!

And an oldie but a goodie:

And the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, formerly hosted by Royal Reviews, now hosted by Historical Tapestry. I particpated in this one this year at the obsessed level to read and review 20 books. I finished the challenge in July and have read many more books since then! Want to play? Sign up at Historical Tapestry. I'm signing up at the same level for 2011. I really am obsessed with books, you know :)

Which challenges are you participating in next year?


  1. Thanks for joining my challenge! Happy reading ;)

  2. I really am obsessed with books as well! Welcome on board to the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge for 2011!

    I might have to have a look at the Tour de Genre challenge too

  3. I once again joined the Historical Fiction Challenge... that one shall be finished VERY quickly :) Have fun!


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