
Friday, December 10, 2010

Its Friday! Let's Have Some Fun!

This is my first time participating in Follow Friday and I'm looking forward to meeting a few new bloggers!

To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, head on over to Parajunkee to get the rules and sign up!

The Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word!  This weekly Book Party is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!  So, grab the logo, post about the Hop on your blog, head over to Crazy-For-Books and start HOPPING!

This week's question: What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs? Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely?

The only reason I read book blogs is to find new books to read! Reviews and memes like Mailbox Monday and Teaser Tuesday have helped me find many books that I may not have found on my own. Life is too short to read bad books so I always do a little preliminary research before I add a book to my TBR list. The giveaways and author posts are fun extras!

Share the first lines of the book you are currently reading! Then, if you feel so moved, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line, and let us know if you liked or did not like the sentence. Then link-up over at Katy's place, A Few More Pages, and see what everyone else is reading! Here's mine:
Across the Universe 
      Daddy said, "Let Mom go first."
     Mom wanted me to go first. I think it was because she was afraid that after they were contained and frozen, I'd walk away, return to life rather than consign myself to that cold, clear box. But Daddy insisted.

Pretty wild opening, huh? The rest of the first chapter was super intense and I couldn't stop reading. I'm not normally into sci-fi, but I just finished this book and I thought it was pretty awesome. Here's the teaser from the back cover: A story of love, murder, and madness aboard an enormous spaceship bound for the future.

Happy Friday everybody! Don't forget to check out my Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway! Only three days left to enter to win the Kobo e-reader!


  1. Great beginning! I have an ARC of this book but have to read three other review books before I can get to it. I can hardly wait. Happy reading!

  2. Just stopping by for the hop!!!! I also agree that its great to be able to find new authors and books!!! I hope you are doing well!! Have a great weekend!

    Feel free to check out mine at Addicted To Romance

    Happy Reading!

  3. Stopping by through the hop! New follower =) Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh, my, that beginning gave me the chills...

    In a good way.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine:

    (click my name)

  5. I love finding new books too! My tbr list is much too long now. Just the way I like it! I'm already a follower! My hop is at Coffee Table Press

  6. Ah, I love most is reading reviews of books I never heard of so I can create an endless horde list of TBR books. *grin*

    I also meeting interesting people who love the same things I love :)

    Under-noticed... All of the Indie Authors. Hop by and check out the badge my Igor created for me, us!!

    Mad Scientist

  7. Happy hop! I've found many new reads via book blogs, too. Nice blog you have here!

  8. but... a kobo reader is canadian and all the giveaways are american only? cause I'd love to enter to win the e-reader but so far I haven't been elligable for any... can I still enter without wanting to win just to increase my chances for the reader?

  9. Hi! Just stopping by from the Hop. Me tooo! I also do research on books before I start reading them. I hate picking up a book and hating it or not being able to get into it. Actually that is what introduced me to the book blogging world.
    Hope you have a great weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  10. I love to enter the giveaways. It's always exciting to be exposed to new books with the possibility of getting to read them.

  11. I like the Mailbox Monday feature on blogs as well, except it always makes me have book envy. A book lover can never have too many books.

  12. I'm your newest follower!
    Just blog hopping by! Nice to meet you. :-) My hop is at The Lit Express.

    Come check out our 100 follower giveaway. Prize is an amazon gift card!

  13. Hi Zoe, thanks for stopping by! While the Kobo is a Canadian product, I have one in my possession here in Virginia, and since I'm bearing the expense of mailing out thirteen packages through the course of this contest, I just couldn't afford to open the contest to other countries. I don't think it would be fair now to change the rules when the contest is almost over. I hope you understand. But when I hold giveaways for single books, I do open them to Canadian residents. I've got one coming up in January, so stay tuned!

  14. Hi Lady Q,

    Thanks, that totally makes sense- I was just confused because I didn't even realize they used Kobo in the states :) It is a massive giveaway and I can totally understand the expense related to mailing out so many books, I am excited to follow for future giveaways! Take care.

  15. Indeed, finding new reads from others in the book blog community is one of the best parts. No TBR pile is safe when you're a real participant in the blogger community! And it's great! ^_^


  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog. There is subscribe button at the very end of the sidebar. If you like Mark of the Lion, you'll love Redeeming Love by Rivers. Have a great day!

  17. I'm with you, although the reviews and memes HAVE made by TBR piles a mile high!! :)


I love comments! Getting feedback on my posts makes my day! Thanks for being here!