
Monday, December 13, 2010

WINNER: Twelve Days of Christmas Grand Prize...

Here it is...the moment you've all been waiting for...the Grand Prize winner in the Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza is...

Linda Brower!

Linda has won a Kobo e-reader!
(She also won a copy of The Phantom Diaries on Day Six!)

This giveaway has been a ton of fun, but after thirteen days, fifteen books, twenty-six blog posts, and four trips to the post office...I'm pooped! I also managed to write a few book reviews (imagine that!), so I intend to spend the next two weeks reading, relaxing, and auto-posting!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated, followed, and helped spread the word! Your support is very much appreciated!

Happy Holidays!


  1. Congrats Linda! And thank you Jenny for the great contests! You deserve some down time..LOL

  2. Hats off to you for doing all this. A lot of time, plus packaging and posting all these books.

  3. Congratulations, Linda!!!

    Thanks so much for the great giveaways, Jenny. Merry Christmas :-)

  4. Congratulations Linda! And Bravo to you Jenny Q for the great days of giveaways! My roomie is reading the book I won from you, The Outer Banks House, and enJOYing it ... Again, thank you!


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