
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The Arrow Chest

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two "teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

This week my teaser comes from The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry, a haunting Victorian tale of sacrificial love between an artist and his muse, with both symbolic and literal shades of the tumultuous life of Anne Boleyn. I'm participating in a blog tour this week, so be sure to stop by on Thursday for my interview with the author and a giveaway!

The Arrow Chest

I've chosen two teasers today, the first of which I particularly liked for its use of language and imagery to spooky effect! From page 93:

Yes, it could be just that kind of night,a night on which ships could go down; or upon which the watery graves of generations of mariners might open and eject their contents and their scattered, rattling bones upon the shore.

And another from page 117, which provides a glimpse of the paranoid and frenetic atmosphere that engulfs the main characters:

Painting a portrait seems the least that is on either of their minds, he realises - but then suddenly he is aware, and she is too, that there are voices in the corridor outside, perhaps others out there curious over the prolonged silence here within - and who knows whether anyone might be watching them even now! - peeping through doors ajar or even through keyholes from adjoining rooms.


  1. This sounds interesting and I do like the teasers. I hope you enjoy it. I have two teasers this week. My YA teaser is from A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull and my adult teaser is from The Other Side anthology. Happy reading!

  2. Very interesting teasers. Thanks for visiting me today.

  3. The artist and his muse are an intriguing pair. My teaser: The Anthologist: A Novel

  4. Sounds like a spooky read. Hope you are enjoying it.

  5. Fabulous teaser! The author really has a beautiful writing style that just flows.

  6. I like the first one.

  7. Thanks for visiting and for sharing this teaser. It sounds really good, has atmosphere! Never heard of this novel before but I like the Victorian era!

  8. Interesting teasers. The first one is a bit creepy although the second one it seems like they're worried about being spied on.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on this week's teaser!

  9. Great teasers! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. Ohhhh I really loved the second one... the voyeur in me wants to know what happens next!

  11. Ohhh, this sounds so great! Love the teasers!

    Here is mine:

  12. Great teasers! The book sounds so interesting.

  13. Sacrificial love? You have my attention!
    Great teaser! Although I don't usually read books from this genre, I'm checking it now.


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