
Monday, November 21, 2011

Mailbox Monday: November 21

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Library books don’t count, but eBooks & audiobooks do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, is on a blog tour! This month finds the meme back with its creator on the Mailbox Monday blog! Next month's host is . . . ME!!

Three for review this week:

Isle of Night. When Annelise left for college, it meant good riddance to her abusive father and stepmother—until a bureaucratic screw-up left her without a diploma, flat broke, and facing an uncertain future Then she met Ronan—tall, dark, and way too seductive for her own good. He promised Annelise a new life, if she had the courage to chance the unknown. One look at him and she certainly had the desire. Sure enough, accepting rides from strangers does yield surprises.

Whisked away to a mysterious island in the North Sea, Annelise is pitted against other female recruits in tests of skill, smarts, and strength. To win is to become a member of the Watchers, an elite and unique partnership—with vampires—that dispatches its teams on the most dangerous missions imaginable. It’s not exactly what Annelise had in mind for a new beginning but it’s livelier than the alternative. Because on the Isle of Night, to lose the challenge doesn’t just mean dishonor. It means death. Let the games begin.

A very cool special format copy of Keowee Valley. Spring, 1768. The Southern frontier is a treacherous wilderness inhabited by the powerful Cherokee people. In Charlestown, 25 year-old Quincy MacFadden receives news from beyond the grave: her cousin, a man she’d believed long dead, is alive—held captive by the Shawnee Indians. Unmarried, bookish, and plagued by visions of the future, Quinn is a woman out of place… and this is the opportunity for which she’s been longing.

Determined to save two lives, her cousin’s and her own, Quinn travels the rugged Cherokee Path into the South Carolina Blue Ridge. Defying her furious grandfather and colonial law, she barters for leverage against the Shawnee with a notorious Cherokee chief—and begins building a daring new home in the Keowee River Valley, a fiercely beautiful place.

But in order to rescue her cousin, Quinn must trust an enigmatic half-Cherokee tracker whose loyalties may lie elsewhere. As translator to the British army, Jack Wolf walks a perilous line between a King he hates and a homeland he loves.

Together they journey across the Appalachian Mountains and into the heart of Cherokee country. They encounter wily trappers, warring Indians, British soldiers, desperate settlers, and a contested backcountry on the brink of changing forever.

When Jack is ordered to negotiate for Indian loyalty in the Revolution to come, the pair must decide: obey the Crown, or commit treason…

The Realmsic Conquest, upcoming blog tour. Throughout its history, the kingdom known as the Realm has never known peace. From its establishment, it has possessed the gift of magic, which is a treasure that exists no other place in the world. As a result, the Realm has endlessly defended itself against conquerors, but now faces its greatest peril.
As our heroes battle the wicked and unlock mysteries, they must also face overwhelming circumstances as they are guided by ancient lore on a quest to find the greatest treasure their kingdom will ever know . . . peace.

And a gift:

The Border Lord and the Lady. Lady Cicely Bowen, daughter of the Earl of Leighton, is sent away by her father when her jealous stepmother threatens her safety. Soon the exiled Cicely becomes best friends with Lady Joan Beaufort, the king's cousin-and when Joan is married to King James I of Scotland she chooses Cicely as one of the ladies accompany her north...

At the Scot's court Cicely finds herself pursued by two men-elegant Andrew Gordon, the laird of Fairlee, and Ian Douglas, the laird of Glengorm, a rough-spoken border lord. When Ian kidnaps Cicely just as Andrew is about to propose, the royal court is sent into an uproar. The queen is demanding the return of her friend and the Gordons are threatening to set the border on fire. But the border lord is difficult to tame-and the lady's heart is even harder to claim.

That's it for me!
Have you read any of these books?
If so, I'd love to know!
Please leave a link to your Mailbox so I can visit :)


  1. ohhh!! Isle of night!! ive seen the cover of this but honestly im not sure what its about! great book week =)

    - juhina

  2. Sounds like a good reading week, enjoy!

  3. I definitely read Bertrice Small. I think at some point I've read and reread most of her books :) Would love to read Isle of Night, I've read a lot of controversial reviews of it and need to judge for myself how good it is. Enjoy your books!

  4. I hope they're all winners!

    I'm totally nervous about Saturday's game. My husband's family are all huge UVA fans and they've already started razzing us, which just kills me, because we never say anything to them when Tech wins. We live in the heart of Clemson territory so I'd like to see that rematch too.

  5. These all look good. Happy reading!

  6. These all look good. i definitely want to read Isle of Night. Have a great week!

  7. I really like the sounds of Isle of Night and The Realmsic Conquest. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on them.


  8. Isle of the Night looks good. Enjoy all your new reads!

  9. I haven't read any of your mailbox books. They sound good so I hope you like them!


I love comments! Getting feedback on my posts makes my day! Thanks for being here!