
Monday, December 1, 2014

Spotlight: The Twelfth Night Wager by Regan Walker

Please join Regan Walker as she tours the blogosphere with Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for The Twelfth Night Wager from November 25-December 6, and enter to win a Twelve Days of Christmas Bracelet!

Boroughs Publishing Group
eBook; 134 pages
ISBN: 978-1-938876-83-7

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It was a dull day at White’s, the day he agreed to the wager: seduce bed and walk away from the lovely Lady Leisterfield, all by Twelfth Night. This holiday season, Christopher St. Ives, Viscount Eustace, planned to give himself a gift.


She was too proper by half—or so was the accusation of her friends, which was why her father had to find her a husband. But Lord Leisterfield was now gone a year, and Grace was at last shedding the drab colors of mourning. The house felt empty, more so during the coming Christmastide, and so tonight her coming out would begin with a scandalous piece of theater. The play would attract rogues, or so promised her friend the dowager countess. It would indeed. The night would bring about the greatest danger—and the greatest happiness—that Grace had ever known.

Buy the eBook


03_Regan WalkerAbout the Author

Bestselling author Regan Walker loved to write stories as a child, particularly those about adventure-loving girls, but by the time she got to college more serious pursuits took priority. One of her professors encouraged her to pursue the profession of law, which she did. Years of serving clients in private practice and several stints in high levels of government gave her a love of international travel and a feel for the demands of the “Crown” on its subjects. Hence her romance novels often involve a demanding sovereign who taps his subjects for “special assignments.” And in each of her novels, there is always real history and real historic figures. Regan lives in San Diego with her golden retriever, Link, whom she says inspires her every day to relax and smell the roses. For more information please visit Regan Walker’s website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

The Twelfth Night Wager Blog Tour Schedule

Tuesday, November 25
Review at Historical Romance Lover

Friday, November 28
Guest Post at Historical Romance Lover

Monday, December 1
Spotlight at Let Them Read Books
Guest Post at The Christmas Spirit

Tuesday, December 2
Review at Good Friends, Good Books, and a Sleepy Conscience
Review & Giveaway at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, December 3
Review & Giveaway at The Christmas Spirit

Thursday, December 4
Guest Post at SOS Aloha

Friday, December 5
Review & Interview at A Chick Who Reads

Saturday, December 6
Guest Post at Romantic Historical Lovers


To enter to win a Twelve Days of Christmas Charm Bracelet, please complete the Rafflecopter giveaway form below.


– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on December 6th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to residents of the US only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– Winner have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

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  1. Hello! So nice to see The Twelfth Night Wager on your beautiful blog. Thanks for having me.


  2. cant wait to read this book sounds great

    1. Oh, I am so glad you want to read it, Jodi--and should you want to continue to read Lady Emily Picton's story, it's in The Holly & The Thistle.

  3. This book sounds wonderful. I have added it to my TBR list.

    1. Oh, Terry, I do hope you enjoy it. And let me know, ok? You can always email me via my website at

  4. This was a great novella. I love Christmas books, especially historical ones, and this one hit the spot. Would love to win the bracelet. Thanks for the chance!

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle. I do hope you posted a review to Amazon...they mean so much.


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