
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jenny Q's Best Books of 2014

Well, it's only taken me two months to compile this list, but better late than never, right? I was stingy with 5-star ratings last year. I read and rated 95 books in 2014, and only ten of them added up to reading perfection for me. Here are those ten by category, plus some honorable mentions, in no particular order:

Historical Fiction:


Young Adult:




Adult Romance:


Honorable Mentions:



Indie Standouts in 2014:


Yes, there are three titles by Jennifer Armentrout on my list! (And there's already one on my Best of 2015 list :) She has quickly become one of my favorite young/new adult authors. I don't know how she cranks out such quality books so fast, but she does, and I'm grateful!

You may also notice a difference from years past: no historical romances on my list. That's partly because I read fewer of them, and while I did hand out several 4-star ratings to those I did read, none reached the highest level of entertainment. But that should change this year. I'm back in the mood for historical romance, and I'm working my way through those on my virtual and digital shelves.

So how about you? Did any of my favorites make your list? Got any good recommendations for me? I love comments!


  1. I have only read Jennifer Armentrout's Lux series, but I did like her writing and want to try more of her stuff. I'm just now ready to start Cress in the Lunar Chronicles series which I also love. I have The Tiger Queen, but haven't picked it up yet. I'm trying to read a variety this year, but my biggest goal is to catch up on series that I've started and haven't gotten caught up on.

    1. Cress is my favorite of the series so far. I can't wait for Fairest and Winter. I hope you love The Tiger Queens. I'm trying to put a dent in all of the books I have on my Nook this year!


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